For over twenty years, Gencode has distinguished itself as a leader in the field of coding, marking and digital inkjet printing systems. Founded with the aim of providing innovative, high-quality solutions, the company has constantly evolved its offering to meet the ever-growing needs of the market.


The company was founded, in 2000, as a laboratory for the testing and development of ideas for various technical sectors.
This led to the development of control units for combustion engines and stepper motors, serial interfaces and display terminals, confirming the company’s conviction that the close integration of electronic, mechanical and hydraulic technologies is key to creating innovative products.


In 2002, the company’s world-pioneering high definition printer was designed and realized for the secondary packaging sector, with a 70 mm print height, 180 dpi resolution and 510 print dots, using a print head taken from the large format plotter industry.
No one had ever thought of using such a high resolution and large dimension in the packaging sector.


In 2002, the company’s world-pioneering high definition printer was designed and realized for the secondary packaging sector, with a 70 mm print height, 180 dpi resolution and 510 print dots, using a print head taken from the large format plotter industry.
No one had ever thought of using such a high resolution and large dimension in the packaging sector.


In May 2003, the company PROJECT engineering & services was founded in order to manufacture and market the printer, devoting itself exclusively to the industrial coding and marking sector.

Despite undermarketing, this machine was immediately enormously successful, so much so that only after a few years it was imitated by other manufacturers in the sector.


A new generation of 7-dot character macro print heads was created for the primary packaging (on products) and secondary packaging (on external packaging) industries, by taking advantage of the new microcontrollers that came out at the beginning of the 2000s, allowing high processing and integration capabilities in small areas, and by exploiting experience in the automotive sector relating to solenoid valve switching.

The novelty was the integration of electronics directly in the print head, which eliminated the need for the control units and inconvenient connection cables used at that time by manufacturers.

With this innovation came reduced power dissipation, lower energy consumption, increased versatility, the use of a potentially unlimited number of print heads and straightforward connection to computers.

Then came the 17 dots version, the only one on the market able print up to 3 lines of text.


A new generation of 7-dot character macro print heads was created for the primary packaging (on products) and secondary packaging (on external packaging) industries, by taking advantage of the new microcontrollers that came out at the beginning of the 2000s, allowing high processing and integration capabilities in small areas, and by exploiting experience in the automotive sector relating to solenoid valve switching.

The novelty was the integration of electronics directly in the print head, which eliminated the need for the control units and inconvenient connection cables used at that time by manufacturers.

With this innovation came reduced power dissipation, lower energy consumption, increased versatility, the use of a potentially unlimited number of print heads and straightforward connection to computers.

Then came the 17 dots version, the only one on the market able print up to 3 lines of text.


At the end of 2007, a commercial collaboration began with a major Indian company that soon became a valuable partnership, leading to the production of macro character systems in India for the local market.


In 2008, for the first time in this sector, the use of touch screens was introduced.

Touch screens had previously been considered too delicate for these applications, and after an initial wariness on behalf of the market, the product was well-received and became the new standard for the sector, leading, naturally, to the appearance of a number of imitations.


In 2008, for the first time in this sector, the use of touch screens was introduced.

Touch screens had previously been considered too delicate for these applications, and after an initial wariness on behalf of the market, the product was well-received and became the new standard for the sector, leading, naturally, to the appearance of a number of imitations.


In 2010, an innovative automatic ink purging and recovery system (SINK) was introduced onto the market, allowing the company’s printers to autonomously and automatically clean themselves and recycle the ink that would normally be wasted in the process, filtering it and reusing it.

The success of this system soon prompted other sector manufacturers to imitate it.

The following years were dedicated to updating and expanding the product range, and to attracting new customers.


In May 2014, the company become GENCODE srl through a process of internal restructuring and reorganization.

In the same year, a purged ink controlled suction system was developed in collaboration with the company’s biggest client, which then proceeded to patent the innovation, and, in just a few months, over 100 specimens were manufactured.

Still in 2014, production of high-definition systems began for the local market in India.


In May 2014, the company become GENCODE srl through a process of internal restructuring and reorganization.

In the same year, a purged ink controlled suction system was developed in collaboration with the company’s biggest client, which then proceeded to patent the innovation, and, in just a few months, over 100 specimens were manufactured.

Still in 2014, production of high-definition systems began for the local market in India.


Since 2015, the company has started to focus on a various new applications and new products, including high definition UV ink and colour ink printing, integrated printed barcode verification systems, graphic terminals, Thermal Ink Jet printers, compliance with the latest Industry 4.0 standards.


In 2018, the new company headquarters were inaugurated and the search for qualified foreign partners began. In a completely renovated environment in terms of aesthetics and ecology. Through the use of efficient energy systems and care for the environment.


In 2018, the new company headquarters were inaugurated and the search for qualified foreign partners began. In a completely renovated environment in terms of aesthetics and ecology. Through the use of efficient energy systems and care for the environment.


After years of research and studies, in 2021 the new NetCoder architecture will hit the market. All previous products are redesigned to work in this new environment. Accessories, UV lamps and accessories are also designed to complete a wide range of products.

Guided by the desire to create and implement new ideas, even to already mature products, by dedicated internal research and development, by specialized internal production, by fruitful external collaborations aimed at increasing company know-how, by great passion put to work every day, by attention to environmental concerns and by strong links with local communities in the areas in which we operate, the innovation continues.